Digital Library of
New Brunswick
History and
Genealogy Books
American Loyalists
to New Brunswick:
The ship passenger lists
From New Brunswick to Massachusetts : Misc. Marriages 1841-1850
1851 Census of New Brunswick Index
New Brunswick 1861 Census. This collection contains the 1861 census for the province of New Brunswick. At this time New Brunswick was considered a separate colony from the rest of the old Province of Canada. This census was created separately and differs from the form used in the other areas of the Province of Canada.
Index to the 1901 Census of Canada : New Brunswick.
Index to the 1911 Census of Canada : New Brunswick.
Vital Statistics Search Engine of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
Misc. New Brunswick Deaths 1878-1886. Abstracted from The Dominion Annual Register and Review.
Report of Admissions at the Port of Grand Falls, New Brunswick 1913-1918
New Brunswick Cemeteries On-line Research.
1752 Acadian Census (archived Website).
Irish New Brunswick Genealogies. This on-line listing contains information on over 1,500 of the first Irish families to arrive in New Brunswick (Canada).
Voices, Vessels and Vellum: Digital images and text transcriptions of one hundred 18th century documents from the Saint John, New Brunswick Free Public Library Primary Source Documents Collection.
Black Watch (42nd Regiment) Veterans to New Brunswick (Canada) in 1783
Index to Marriage Bonds, 1810-1932, New Brunswick, Canada
Index to Registers of Letters Patent and Supplementary Letters Patent Issued, 1885-1976, New Brunswick, Canada
Lovell Directory 1871, New Brunswick, Canada
Index to New Brunswick Land Grants, 1784 - 1997. This index contains information on more than 54,000 individuals and corporate bodies who acquired Crown land between 1784 and 1997. These documents list the distribution of Crown land and the names of the grantees.
Old Soldiers Records : New Brunswick, Canada Records of Old Revolutionary Soldiers and Their Widows.
Biographical Review : biographical sketches of leading citizens of the province of New Brunswick. Free online edition of this 600 page issue of Biographical Review published in Boston in 1900.
Subscriptions to the fund for relief of the sufferers by the great fire in New Brunswick (Canada), 7th October, 1825. Report of the New Brunswick Commission of Enquiry (scroll down the page for the list of subcribers)
Brenan's Funeral Homes Obituaries, New Brunswick, Canada. Browse current obituaries or search old obituaries from 11 funeral homes in various New Brunswick locations.
Index to Justice of the Peace Appointment Register, 1863-1963, New Brunswick, Canada
Guide to Family Histories, New Brunswick, Canada. The Guide to Family Histories at the Provincial Archives was created to enhance access to the many family histories found in a multitude of sources at the Archives. References in this volume are to books, files or microfilm and the information can vary in volume from a couple of lines to many pages.
Acadian Cemeteries of New Brunswick, Canada : Tombstone photographs for nearly 50 cemeteries.
Guide to Biographies, New Brunswick, Canada. The Guide to Biographies at the Provincial Archives was created to enhance access to the many biographies found in a multitude of sources at the Archives.
Ward Chipman, Muster Master's Office 1777-1785. Ward Chipman the Elder, (1754-1824), a Massachusetts lawyer, was also an army administrator in the State of New York between 1777 and 1783. In 1784, he settled in New Brunswick, where he served as solicitor general until 1808. The Ward Chipman Papers contain muster rolls of Loyalists, and their families, who were members of demobilized regiments and who settled in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. This research tool provides access to nearly 19,000 references to Loyalist families.
The King's New Brunswick Regiment 1793-1802. Free online edition of a book by by Jonas Howe in Collections of the New Brunswick Historical Society, Volume I, Saint John, N.B., The Daily Telegraph Steam Book and Job Print, 1894. Includes roster.
Index to Land Petitions: Original Series 1783-1918, New Brunswick, Canada
Directories for 1865 - 1868, New Brunswick, Canada. Published by Thomas Hutchinson.
1783 Studholm Report : French inhabitants. Covers the state of land grants in the St. Johns River area of New Brunswick.
New Brunswick, Canada natives who died in Washington County, Minnesota.
Albert County
Albert County, New Brunswick Cemeteries
Carleton County
The Deane and Kavanagh Report, July-August 1831: Survey of the Madawaska Settlement. Penobscot and Washington Counties (now Aroostook County), Maine and Carleton County (now Madawaska Co.), New Brunswick.
The Deane and Cavanaugh report of 1831 (Maine and New Brunswick) (archived website). John G Deane and Edward Kavanaugh were mandated by the government of the state of Maine by a decree dated 31 march 1831, to inquire as to the number of "squatters" that were illegally established on yet to be granted lands in the Madawaska and Aroostook valley region. Their report is in fact a census of some of the earliest inhabitants of the region.
1833 New Brunswick Special Census of the Madawaska Settlement. Carleton County, New Brunswick and Penobscot County, Maine (includes communities on both banks of the Upper St.John River valley in what are now Madawaska Co., New Brunswick, and Aroostook Co., Maine)
Aroostook County, Maine, 1840 US Census, including communities on the north bank of the upper St.John River in Carleton -- now Madawaska -- County, New Brunswick, Canada.
Name Index to The Woodstock Press Newspaper, Carleton County, New Brunswick : 1883 - 1885 - 1886 - 1888 - 1889 - 1890 - 1904 - 1905 - 1906 - 1907 - 1908 - 1914 - 1918 - 1920 - 1921 - 1923 - 1924 - 1926
Index to the Carleton Sentinel Newspaper 1867 to 1870 (Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada)
Carleton County, New Brunswick Probate Record Book Index : 1833-1873, 1873-1887
Carleton and Victoria's County Men in the 1st. World War (New Brunswick, Canada)
Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada Census Records 1871, 1891, 1901
Cloverdale Cemetery, Parish of Brighton, Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada
Carleton County, New Brunswick Obituaries
Woodstock War Memorial, Carleton County, New Brunswick : World War 1 and World War 2
Wakefield Baptist Cemetery, Carleton County, New Brunswick
Methodist Cemetery, Woodstock, Carleton County, New Brunswick
Upper Woodstock Cemetery, Carleton County, New Brunswick
St. Bonaventure Church Cemetery, Lakeville, Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada
Charlotte County
Charlotte County, New Brunswick Surnames : Surnames of interest to genealogical researchers.
Misc. Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Church Records : baptisms, marriages, burials, rosters.
Cemeteries around Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada
Charlotte County, New Brunswick Miscellaneous Records, Military & Historical Information
Charlotte County, New Brunswick Strays.
Misc. Charlotte County, New Brunswick Deaths : 1888-1919
Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada Crown Land Returns 1827-1854
Charlotte County, New Brunswick Militia 1805.
Charlotte County, New Brunswick Soldiers Who Died in WW2.
Revolutionary War Pensioners & Widows in Charlotte County, New Brunswick in 1843.
1845 Muster Roll of the 7th Company, 2nd Battalion of the Charlotte County Militia.
Muster Roll of the 74th Regiment Argyle Highlanders Disbanded at Passamaquoddy at the close of the Revolution. The muster listed all the men, women, and children, present at St. Andrews, Passamaquoddy Bay, Nova Scotia, May 24th 1784 (Today in Charlotte County, New Brunswick)
Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, Cemetery Records
St. George, Charlotte County, New Brunswick Church & Cemetery Records
Misc. Church and Cemetery Records, Campobello, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada
Campobello, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada Census Records 1851-1911
Misc. Obituaries, Campobello, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada
Newspapers, Funeral Homes and Campobello Vital Statistics
Campobello, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada in Lovell's 1871 Directory
1811 Militia, Campobello, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada
Campobello, New Brunswick Cemeteries and Churches : Several transcripts and scanned documents.
1867 Voters List, Campobello, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada
Bocabec Methodist Circuit Records, Saint Patrick Parish, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada (archived Web page): Marriages 1912-1915, Deaths 1886-1923, Baptisms 1877-1923, Membership List 1905,1908 & 1909.
Bocabec Presbyterian Cemetery, Saint Patrick Parish, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada (archived Web page).
Bocabec Community Cemetery, Saint Patrick Parish, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada (archived Web page).
Bocabec Baptist Cemetery, in Bocabec, Saint Patrick Parish, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada (archived Web page).
Clarendon Settlement, Charlotte County, New Brunswick in John Lovell's 1871 Directory (archived website).
Clarendon Parish, New Brunswick, Canada 1881 Census (archived website).
Clarendon, Charlotte County, New Brunswick 1911 Census (archived website).
Clarendon, New Brunswick, Canada 1901 Census (archived website).
Kirk McColl Church Records 1794-1830. Covers several parishes.
Christ Church Anglican Records. While Located in St. Stephen, this Anglican church covered the St. David Parish as well. Marriages 1811 - 1864, baptisms 1815 - 1864, burials 1812 - 1861 (pdf documents)
St. David Parish, Charlotte County, New Brunswick Records
Gloucester County
Marriages of Restigouche Co. performed in Gloucester Co. from 1826-1841, and some marriages in Gloucester Co. from 1841-1860
Some Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials for Restigouche and Other Parishes in Baie des Chaleurs (Quebec and New Brunswick) 1759-1795
Bathurst, Gloucester County, New Brunswick 1861 Census (archived website).
Bathurst, Gloucester County, New Brunswick 1871 Census (archived website)
Beresford, Gloucester County, New Brunswick 1871 Census (archived website).
Beresford, Gloucester County, New Brunswick 1881 Census (archived website).
Kent County
First Settlers of Bouctouche, New Brunswick
Wellington Parish, Kent County, New Brunswick 1861 Census (archived website).
Kings County
Raymond Paddock Gorham Collection (Kings County, New Brunswick, Canada). A collection of historical data, and brief accounts of Loyalist settlers in the area of Kingston Parish.
Madawaska County
Early Land Grants in Madawaska - 1787, 1790 & 1794 (Maine and New Brunswick)
The 1820 US Census of Matawascah (Madawaska) Parish, Penobscot County, Maine and York County, New Brunswick. Since the US claimed Madawaska on both sides of the St. John River, this census of Madawaska includes communities in today's New Brunswick.
Madawaska Settlement, Upper St.John River Penobscot County, Maine and York County, New Brunswick 1830 U.S. Census. In 1830 the US still claimed the area north of the St. John, in what is today New Brunswick. So the census taker included those communities in his returns.
The Deane and Kavanagh Report, July-August 1831: Survey of the Madawaska Settlement. Penobscot and Washington Counties (now Aroostook County), Maine and Carleton County (now Madawaska Co.), New Brunswick.
1833 New Brunswick Special Census of the Madawaska Settlement. Carleton County, New Brunswick and Penobscot County, Maine (includes communities on both banks of the Upper St.John River valley in what are now Madawaska Co., New Brunswick, and Aroostook Co., Maine)
Aroostook County, Maine, 1840 US Census, including communities on the north bank of the upper St.John River in Carleton -- now Madawaska -- County, New Brunswick, Canada.
Joint Report on Lands Held by Settlers in T.18, Ranges 3-5, 1845. Land holdings in early 1845 in what are today Frenchville, Ste-Agathe, Madawaska, and Grand Isle, Aroostook County, Maine: Names, amount of land held, location, and other information.
St. Jacques Cemetery, Madawaska County, New Brunswick : Headstone transcriptions and photos.
Northumberland County
Deaths in Anoka, Minnesota : People born in Northumberland County, New Brunswick.
Queens County
Base Gagetown Cemeteries, Queens and Sunbury Counties, New Brunswick, Canada
Surnames of Base Gagetown, Queens and Sunbury Counties, New Brunswick, Canada
School Records of Base Gagetown, Queens and Sunbury Counties, New Brunswick, Canada
Canadian Forces Base Gagetown Cemeteries, New Brunswick, Canada
Restigouche County
Some Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials for Restigouche and Other Parishes in Baie des Chaleurs (Quebec and New Brunswick) 1759-1795
Marriages of Restigouche Co. performed in Gloucester Co. from 1826-1841, and some marriages in Gloucester Co. from 1841-1860
Restigouche County, New Brunswick, Marriage Index of Registers
Restigouche County, New Brunswick Death Records
Saint John County
Index to Saint John Burial Permits, 1889-1919, New Brunswick, Canada
Index To Death Roll of the St. John Globe Newspaper 1897 - 1926 (New Brunswick, Canada)
Brenan's Funeral Home Records, Saint John, New Brunswick, 1901-1959.
Sunbury County
Base Gagetown Cemeteries, Queens and Sunbury Counties, New Brunswick, Canada
Surnames of Base Gagetown, Queens and Sunbury Counties, New Brunswick, Canada
School Records of Base Gagetown, Queens and Sunbury Counties, New Brunswick, Canada
Canadian Forces Base Gagetown Cemeteries, New Brunswick, Canada
Victoria County
Carleton and Victoria's County Men in the 1st. World War (New Brunswick, Canada)
Grand Falls, Victoria County, New Brunswick Casualties of War WWI and WW2 (archived website).
Old Methodist Cemetery, Perth Andover, Victoria County, New Brunswick, Canada
Village of Colebrooke (Grand Falls , Victoria County), New Brunswick 1851 Census (archived website).
Drummond Parish, Victoria County, New Brunswick 1901 Census (archived website).
Grand Falls Parish, Victoria County, New Brunswick 1901 Census (archived website).
Grand Falls area, Victoria County, New Brunswick (archived website) : Headstone transcriptions and photos.
Saint-Basile, Victoria County, New Brunswick 1861 Census (partial) (archived website).
Westmorland County
Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada: Extractions from Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist Church Records
History of Sackville, New Brunswick (archived Web page). Free online edition of this book by Dr. William Cochran Milner, Historian, and Former Dominion Archivist (1846-1939). Originally published in 1934 by The Tribune Press, Ltd., Printers & Publishers, Sackville, New Brunswick. Several lists of names are included in this work.
1885 Census of Sackville Parish : This census is a transcription of the original, which was included with the parish registers of Saint Vincent Ferrier Parish (Roman Catholic) of Sackville.
Registres de la paroisse de Haute-Aboujagane 1878-1899. Haute Aboujagane, Westmorland County, New Brunswick Roman Catholic parish register index 1878-1899 (pdf document).
Memramcook, Westmorland County, New Brunswick Roman Catholic parish register index 1806-1900 (pdf documents) : A to K - L to Z.
Moncton, New Brunswick 1918 Directory (images online) (archived website).
Shediac Parish, Westmorland County, New Brunswick 1861 Census (partial) (archived website).
York County
Original Settlers of Cork Settlement, York County, New Brunswick, Canada (archived Web page). Individuals who left Ireland and between 1841-1847 settled in Cork Settlement.
The 1820 US Census of Matawascah (Madawaska) Parish, Penobscot County, Maine and York County, New Brunswick. Since the US claimed Madawaska on both sides of the St. John River, this census of Madawaska includes communities in today's New Brunswick.
Madawaska Settlement, Upper St.John River Penobscot County, Maine and York County, New Brunswick 1830 U.S. Census. In 1830 the US still claimed the area north of the St. John, in what is today New Brunswick. So the census taker included those communities in his returns.
Bounty for Raising Bread Corn 1817 - 1821, County of York, New Brunswick (Canada)
List of Persons Who Have Forfeited Their Lands in York County, New Brunswick (1818)
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