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  • British Archives Boom Prompts Call for New Approach to Services
    Unprecedented numbers of people at home and overseas are beginning to use the UK's archives for genealogy or to explore the history of their community. Managing Information (UK), March 25, 2004.

  • Hatfields and McCoys: The Reunion They Said Would Never Happen
    Sonya Hatfield gives credit to the recent surge of interest in genealogy in getting people to open up about the feud and in allowing them to move on.

  • Kids' group, genealogical society to work at Butler cemeteries
    Several Butler County, Pennsylvania cemeteries and burial plots are going to get some much-needed attention from two local civic organizations. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA), March 24, 2004.

  • Got roots? Find them in new genealogy center
    California : The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints opened a new genealogy center in Murphys allowing Calaveras county residents a chance to trace their roots. Calaveras Enterprise (CA), March 22, 2004.

  • In Search of My Sephardic Ancestors
    Book review : "Last Century of a Sephardic Community: The Jews of Monastir, 1839-1943," by Mark Cohen. The Jewish Journal (CA), March 19, 2004.

  • Archives finds Letty's story
    Old Nashville records from the 1860s detailing the actions of Chancery Court have just been discovered. The Tennessean (TN), March 16, 2004.

  • No blarney: Irish-Gaelic returns to tongues
    Interest in the Irish language, also known as Irish-Gaelic, is growing steadily in the United States. The Enterprise (MA), March 17, 2004.

  • UN Recommends Reparations for Africville Residents
    Efforts by the Africville Genealogy Society to gain compensation for the families of Africville (Nova Scotia) residents have, to date, not been fruitful. The Dominion (Canada), March 16, 2004.

  • Daunting work uncovering McClendon House history
    Sifting through boxes of yellow, decaying letters so fragile they crumble beneath even the nimblest fingers, archivist Vandy Dubre and McClendon House Society Member Daye Collins have been working for six months to bring order to a family's 125-year-old history. Tyler Morning Telegraph (TX), March 15, 2004.

  • Black Americans use DNA to go back to their roots
    David Rennie in Washington reports on a hunt for lost origins. (UK), March 15, 2004.

  • Genealogical gem
    Genealogist Gary Roberts was so popular at genealogical meetings that the cash-strapped Massachusetts Historical Society started marketing him for consultations. The Boston Globe (MA), March 14, 2004.

  • Genealogists to gather in Sacramento for Family History Day
    Hundreds of genealogists will be in Sacramento in May to attend the National Genealogical Society’s annual conference. Sacramento Bee (CA), March 12, 2004.

  • New Web Site Helps Family Reunion Planning
    Sears, Roebuck and Co., partnering with, is launching a new Web site guide today to assist families in planning a reunion and learning more about their genealogy. Atlanta Daily World (GA), March 11, 2004.

  • Genealogical society volunteers copy earliest records of Carter County
    Volunteers of the Genealogical Society of Utah are helping to preserve Carter County (Oklahoma) history by copying early historical records on microfilm. The project is in cooperation with the Oklahoma Historical Society. Daily Ardmoreite (OK), March 12, 2004.

  • Bexareños explore descendants' links to Texas revolution
    A local group wants to lend a hand to South Texans who might have had ancestors in the Texas Revolution. Express-News (TX), March 7, 2004.

  • Family history should include 'things,' too
    We can take a mental time trip to as far back as we can remember and up to the present, and it will be filled with thoughts of things. Pittsburg Morning Sun (KS), March 7, 2004.

  • There's historic times ahead for the family!
    IT'S said to be the world's fastest-growing hobby. Now, Huddersfield University hopes to create more interest in family histories. The Huddersfield Daily Examiner (UK), March 8, 2004.

  • Knowing one's heritage creates a stronger self
    I consider myself fortunate to have been raised in a household in which my rich Cape Verdean background was -- and continues to be -- discussed and honored. Standard-Times (MA), March 7, 2004.

  • Newly chartered group plans Highway Heritage Project
    Baker County is enriched with Civil War history. More so than most of the rest of Florida. The newly chartered Sons of Confederate Veterans, Captain Winston Stephens Camp, plan to share that history with the Heritage Highway Project. Baker County Standard (FL), March 4, 2004.

  • It's never too early to start researching family history
    Christina Carlton is teaching kids how to find out who's hanging on the family tree. The Free Lance-Star (VA), March 2, 2004.

  • Local DAR member honored for work
    When Doris Barnes and her husband retired to Orange County in 2001, she had no idea she was coming home to her roots. The Free Lance-Star (VA), March 2, 2004.

  • Memories Of Old Hixson
    Old Hixson Pike winds along the banks of North Chickamauga Creek and crosses the railroad at a spot where the business district of Hixson once was. The Chattanoogan (TN), March 1, 2004.

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