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  • Sam Steger makes mark on the history of Caldwell County (Kentucky)
    Caldwell County’s official historian, Sam Steger, passed away over the weekend. His contributions to the preservation of local and regional history are immeasurable. Times Leader (KY), June 23, 2004.

  • Bear Creek Church volunteers recognized
    Volunteers who saved and restored the Bear Creek Church in rural Brandon, Iowa have been recognized with a Community History Award. Two CDs are available with photos, history and genealogy associated with the church and cemetery and the neighboring area. Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier (IA), June 21, 2004.

  • African-American genealogy excited civil rights official
    Dedication to his roots and pride in them led Wilbur Howard in a lifelong quest for civil rights and helping African Americans discover their pasts. Lansing State Journal (MI), June 21, 2004.

  • Clans touch swords in battle to crown Arthur as their own
    As King Arthur fever rears its head with a major new film out next month, two Scottish clans have emerged as challengers to those in Wales and Cornwall who claim the model of chivalry as their own. The Scotsman (Scotland), June 21, 2004.

  • Disbelief as Scots claim Arthur
    Two Scottish clans have stirred the debate over where King Arthur was from by claiming the legendary king hailed from Scotland and not Wales. The Western Mail (Wales), June 24, 2004.

  • Children are never too young to start learning about genealogy
    They say children are never too young to start learning about genealogy and some teachers are proving that. Pittsburg Morning Sun (KS), June 20, 2004.

  • Burr-Hamilton duel a family affair
    Relatives of historic figures to return to Weehawken for re-enactment at bicentennial. Weehawken Reporter (NJ), June 20, 2004.

  • Reuniting families through DNA technology
    A Florida woman has started a data base that will allow adoptees and their birth families to track each other down across the world. Sun-Herald (FL), June 19, 2004.

  • Adoptees seek access law to provide a ‘sense of self’
    For decades, information as basic as their mothers’ and fathers’ names, their true nationality and cultural heritage has been denied to adoptees in New Jersey. Atlanticville (NJ), June 18, 2004.

  • Derry man's book details real-life indian abduction
    A question had been haunting Ron Nicely and his forebears for the past 228 years: what happened to a five-year-old member of their clan, Jacob Kneisle, after a band of American Indians snatched him from his Chestnut Ridge homestead in the opening days of the Revolutionary War? Blairsville Dispatch (PA), June 17, 2004.

  • Celebrating a 400-year-old French connection
    Long a footnote to history, an uninhabited island in the St. Croix River that marks the U.S.-Canadian (Maine-New Bruswick) border is poised to become the focal point for a 10-day international celebration. USA Today, June 16, 2004.

  • Reuniting families through DNA technology
    Adopted children looking for their birth parents have encountered two obstacles: wondering where to start, then getting past a birth certificate that read "bastard" or "illegitimate." Venice Gondolier Sun (FL), June 16, 2004.

  • Mix and match
    Love is changing the face of Australia. Bloodlines, customs, family, country, heritage and racism are powerless before it as Australians increasingly fall into relationships with people from a variety of backgrounds. Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), June 14, 2004.

  • Pictures useful for memories, genealogy
    The ideal genealogical record will contain many pictures. Pictures of children's play and other activities and adults' work and other activities will be useful. Pittsburg Morning Sun (KS), June 13, 2004.

  • Morgan roots the family tree
    Everyone in the UK is related back to a Welsh Morgan, says the publisher of a new series of CD-Roms on the family name. The Western Mail (UK), June 10, 2004.

  • Research: Bush, Kerry royalty. Author claims scoop; Czech experts doubt links to aristocratic past
    Whoever wins the race to the White House this year, the president of the United States is sure to be a direct descendant of the ancient rulers of Bohemia, according to one researcher. The Prague Post (Czech Republic), June 10, 2004.

  • Volunteers join together to restore rural cemetery
    The Winans/Jackson cemetery in rural Hamilton, Ill. would have been lost completely if Larry Cooper and his helpers had not re-discovered, witched and then spend numerous hours cleaning and clearing the area. Daily Gate City (IA), June 2, 2004.

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